Seth Briney:   AI   |  Data Science   |  Machine Learning

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Completed Degrees

  • Master of Computer Science:   Western Washington University,  2023
  • Focused on machine learning. Master's project was grant-funded and involved comparing various deep learning models in smart-building HVAC load forecasting predictions, and simulating large amounts of data using Energy Plus on a distributed compute cluster. Most challenging class was Operating System Internals: CSCI 509. Other noteworthy courses include Deep Learning: CSCI 581, and Computational Linguistics: CSCI 573. See transcripts below for a complete list of courses and grades.

  • Master of Science, MS-Mathematics:   Western Washington University,  2019
  • Focused on analysis and statistics. Master's project was in Bayesian Decision Theory, which included a toy lunar lander control problem involving combining prior knowledge of various site resources with image data gathered during landing, and using the resulting posterior probability distribution to find an optimal path between various sites to traverse after landing.

  • BA | BS:  Computer Science | Math | Physics:   The Evergreen State College,  2017
  • I began my academic career interested in chemistry, which led me to physics. Physics led me to math, statistics, and computer science.

    Other Certificates

  • Teaching and Learning:   Western Washington University,  2021
  • Growth-mindset based education certificate earned as part of my Teaching Assistant position.


  • Generative AI with Large Language Models; 2023
  • Fundamentals of Reinforcement Learning; 2020
  • Deep Learning Specialization; 2020
  • Machine Learning; 2020

  • Academic Transcripts

    Master of Computer Science

    Course No.Course TitleCreditsGrade
    CSCI 247Computer Systems I5A
    CSCI 347Computer Systems II4A-
    CSCI 510Automata & Formal Lang Theory4A
    CSCI 590Graduate Seminar I1S
    CSCI 367Computer Networks I4A
    CSCI 573Computational Linguistics4A
    CSCI 590Graduate Seminar I1S
    CSCI 581Deep Learning4A
    CSCI 590Graduate Seminar I1S
    CSCI 692Research Experience5S
    CSCI 692Research Experience5S
    CSCI 591Graduate Seminar II2S
    CSCI 597Cloud Computing Fundamentals4A-
    CSCI 692Research Experience5S
    CSCI 509Operating System Internals4A
    CSCI 591Graduate Seminar II2S
    CSCI 692Research Experience5S
    CSCI 511Analysis of Algorithms4A
    CSCI 515Parallel Computation4A
    CSCI 591Graduate Seminar II2S

    Master of Mathematics

    Course No.Course TitleCreditsGrade
    MATH 541Probability4A
    MATH 564Graph Theory3B+
    MATH 573Numerical Linear Algebra4A
    MATH 504Abstract Linear Algebra4B+
    MATH 522Methods of Math Analysis II4B+
    MATH 542Mathematical Statistics4A
    MATH 523Advanced Calc of Sevrl Varbls4A
    MATH 543Linear Statistical Models4A
    MATH 444Categorical Data Analysis4A-
    MATH 510Mathematical Modeling4A
    MATH 535Nonlinear Optimization4A
    MATH 558Stochastic Processes4A
    MATH 527Real Analysis4A
    MATH 528Functional Analysis4A

    The Evergreen State College

    Course NameCredits
    University Chemistry I, II, III with Laboratory15
    Calculus I and II - Differential and Integral Calculus10
    University Physics I, II, III with Laboratory15
    Technical Writing4
    Classical Mechanics 6
    Quantum Mechanics 8
    Electrodynamics 12
    Vector Calculus4
    Applied Linear Algebra 4
    Fourier Techniques 4
    Introduction to MATLAB programming4
    MATLAB programming 2
    Abstract Algebra 8
    Euclidean and Non-Euclidean Geometry 5
    Topology 9
    Real Analysis 8
    Complex Analysis 5
    Mathematical Reasoning: Proofs, Elementary Logic and Set Theory 4
    Seminar: History of Mathematics5
    Seminar: Philosophy and Culture of Mathematics4
    Tutoring Math and Science For Social Justice2
    Combinatorics 6
    German, Beginning I, II8
    Differential Equations 4
    Statistical Mechanics, Statistical Physics, Thermodynamics 3
    Functional Programming 4
    Formal Language Theory 6
    Data Structures 4
    Algorithms 4
    SQL 4
    Reinforcement Learning 6
    Bayesian Graph Theory 6